The dynasig is a new tool developed by Speedr team that allows the identification of any object, regardless of its name and source URL.
How does it works?
While all the tools of cache/proxy, apply algorithms to request to try to determine when it comes to an already cached or not requisition, the dynasig algorithm scans the object itself to make this determination.
When requests are extremely complex, such as in e-mail attachments from Hotmail, or when we deliver the file having the security of being the correct object, even with the requisition being completely different, the only solution is dynasig.
Approaching the problem this way, we give a huge advantage to Speedr.
You know that huge file that was downloaded from a different mirror, and there was not a specific plugin for him and therefore is not given HIT, wasting bandwidth? The dynasig solves.
How to test the functionality?
Let me give a practical example of the power of this tool (plugin number 25 invokes the dynasig attachments to hotmail):
1) Take two hotmail accounts that you have access to.
2) Take any file, for example aaaa.rar, and send to the first account
3) Take this SAME file, rename it to bbbb.ipa, and send it to the second account
4) Access your accounts from different computers going through the same Speedr
5) Please download the attachments.
6) Now open Pending Objects in Speedr, and you will see the object being downloaded (GetAttachment in URL) into a single connection, with 2 "hanging" clients.
This means that the dynasig acknowledged that the two attachments are the same file, and gave cross-hit of the same attachment to accounts from different e-mail, and this serving TWO DOWNLOADS from a SINGLE.
No request can fool the dynasig engine, regardless of how complex it is, why his focus is entirely focused on the object.
Now our users have this tool at its disposal, and so we researched the Speedr is the first tool to offer this approach to identification.